Coffee Break

The bell chimes through the long, wide halls and reaches every office. Everyone wraps up what they are doing as the coffee break starts. A small group of co-workers meet up under the big, old trainyard clock in the foyer. They talk cheerily for a few minutes while a few more of their colleagues join the group. When everyone is there, they leave the large, white office building and stroll down the street, talking about the beautiful weather. The bright summer weather is inspiring the local songbirds to fill the air with the most beautiful tunes and songs. The small trees along the road are blossoming with a spectacular array of colours, ranging from bright pink to deep green and warm yellows. The fragrance of the many flowers and trees gently blend with the aroma of freshly baked bread from the bakeshop. Further down the street a few kids on summer break are playing hopscotch and laughing ecstatically.

As the group finds their way to the coffee shop, they talk about all the interesting art the coffee shop has. It is a fairly large shop with a big glass facade presenting the odd sculptures and cosy little tables to the street outside. In front of the shop are a few small wooden tables with cute little chairs, each with its own decorative carvings. Some talented artist has spent countless hours perfecting his woodcraft to create these interesting shapes and images in the furniture that is now matching the look and feel of the shop so perfectly.

The group enters the shop to find more of the curious and intriguing art. One wall is covered in paintings by local, upcoming artists. A section of wall has dozens of embroidered wall hangings, in various shapes, sizes and colour pallets. Behind the counter is a range of framed photos taken in the local city and parks, by customers, throughout the years and at different seasons. A young woman with ocean blue eyes, and wavy chestnut-brown hair hanging playfully over her shoulder is ready to take the coffee orders of the group. Her eyes are kind and friendly and her smile makes her feel very familiar, even to people who have never met her before.

The group orders their coffees and continue admiring the art in the coffeeshop while the young barista prepares the coffees. She works with incredible precision and professionalism, while still smiling and even humming along to the gentle music from the vintage radio in the back of the shop. A few minutes later the coffees are ready, and the group gathers outside the shop, to sit in the sun and enjoy the rest of their break in the warm summer breeze.

While the group is sipping their coffees, a busy little bee is humming joyfully. It lands on a flower to collect the sweet, sweet nectar to bring back to the hive in the park. For several minutes the bee hums from one pretty flower to the next, before finally taking flight and setting course towards the park with its loot.

Just like the bee returned to the hive, so must the group return to the office, as the coffee break is coming to an end.

Written 01/03-2021

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